188C Visa – Significant Investor Stream
You must make a complying investment of at least AUD$5,000,000 in any of the following options, in any proportion, and hold that investment continuously for at least 4 years:
- Commonwealth, state or territory government bonds
- Eligible managed funds - that are limited to investing in any or all of the following Australian assets:
- Infrastructure projects in Australia
- Cash held by Australian deposit-taking institutions
- Bonds issued by the Australian Government or a State or Territory government
- Bonds, equity, hybrids or other corporate debt in Australian companies and trusts listed on any Australian stock exchange
- Bonds or term deposits issued by Australian financial institutions
- Real property in Australia
- Australian agribusiness
- Annuities issued by an Australian registered life company
- Loans secured by mortgages over the investments listed above
- Derivatives used for portfolio management and non-speculative purposes (which constitute no more than 20% of the total value of the managed fund)
- Other managed funds that invest in the investments listed above
- Direct investment into private Australian companies - in which you have an ownership interest. The company must operate a qualifying business.
- Income that you earn from your complying investment in Australia is subject to tax under Australian taxation law.
188C Visa Checklist
You must also have a genuine and realistic commitment to:
- Reside in the state or territory whose government agency nominated you
Continue your business and investment activity in Australia after your complying investment matures
- Live in Australia for at least 160 days over 4 yearswhile holding your provisional visa.
You, your partner, or you and your partner combined must have net assets of at least AUD$5,000,000 that are legally acquired, unencumbered, and available to be used to make the complying investment in Australia.
- You and your partner must not have been involved in unacceptable business or investment activities.